Marong Primary School is a government education setting for 213 students from Prep to Year 6. The school ‘s vision is to “Prepare our Students for their Future”. Our school promotes three school core values Honesty, Responsibility, Respect. By addressing these values in their daily lives at school we are able to assist our students to become the best person that they can be. Marong Primary School has implemented the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program. This program is also founded around our vision and school values.
Marong Primary School offers a broad curriculum for its students with an explicit focus on Literacy and Numeracy. It is the school's goal to have every child achieve at their highest possible level through the provision of high quality teaching practices. Every child should leave the school with a high sense of self confidence and appreciation that learning is a lifelong process.
While catering for all ability levels and learning styles, our main focus is on the children being happy, engaged and achieving the best possible learning outcomes. A range of extra curricula programs ensures all students are exposed to a variety of learning activities and environments. These include camps for Years 2-6, major excursions, a variety of sports carnivals, overseas learning experience to China, Chinese homestay, whole school concert, the student led Junior School Council and much more.
The Marong Primary School Council and parent community is committed to maintaining the school as a highly effective learning community. Energy, enthusiasm, team spirit and effective partnerships between parents, children and all staff members are all key features of life at Marong Primary School.
Our staffing profile includes 11 classroom teachers (some part-time), three specialist teachers, 8 integration aides, part-time office staff and a business manager, a student wellbeing worker, a disability and inclusion coordinator, a targeted learning teacher, a leading teacher, a learning speciaist and Principal. The school meets all requirements of the VRQA.